Our TeleHealth Office is Open!

Get the help and advice you need….on-demand from the comfort of your own home!

Here are three reasons telehealth can work for you.

1. Your Environment: Having a little neck pain or back pain? With our telehealth platform we can easily assess what is causing the issue. We can evaluate your movements and biomechanics in your environment, in real time. This makes fixing pain or ergonomic issues fast and easy!

2. Convenient and On-demand: Do you need some quick advice, but don’t have time? Our telehealth services eliminate the need to travel and you can book easily from your computer or phone. Get help fast and on your schedule.

3. Easy to Connect: Not sure you can manage the tech? Our telehealth platform only requires a computer with internet or a smartphone. There is no logging in or downloading of software. Booking is as easy as three clicks. And signing into the platform is as easy as one click!

To book your telehealth session today, just click the telehealth link on our website. We offer 15 minute free consults and 45 minute sessions Monday through Friday.
