3 Exercises for Spring Snowboarding
With temperatures warming up, spring snowboarding is just around the corner! And with spring conditions, comes new challenges for your body and board. Try these 3 exercises to get those legs in spring season shape. Whether you are hitting it hard in the slush or skimming over that pond, these exercise are sure to help improve your endurance and technique.

Single Leg Squat on a Chair: Standing on a stable chair or stool, place your right leg off the side. Then slowly bend your left knee, while keeping your bottom back and pressure on your heel. Control the knee and keep it stable.Then slowly straighten your knee. Complete 2 sets of 15 on both sides.
Planks with a Twist: Starting in full plank position (on palms and toes), tighten bottom. Slowly lift and rotate your left arm toward the ceiling, keeping your stomach and bottom tight. Place it back on the floor and repeat the same on the right side. Alternate back and forth for 2 sets of 20.

Side Stepping with Squats: Placing an elastic band around your ankles, slightly bend your knees. Take one step to the right and then complete a squat. Then step together. Take another step to the right, and repeat. Complete 20 repetitions and then repeat going to the left.

For more information or techniques for snowboarding, visit www.saramikulsky.com