Will AI Have an Impact on Physical Therapy? What You Need to Know
With all the hype last week over Microsoft and Open AI, it has a lot of us thinking about what and how this technology will impact all...

Calling all Catchers and Pitchers! Baseball Season is Here. Try These 3 Baseball Exercises
Pitchers and catchers are now reporting to Spring Training and baseball season is upon us! And keeping shoulders, elbows, and backs...

Valentine's Day is Here! Be Healthy Together and Try These 3 Things!
Valentine's Day is here and instead of giving your special someone chocolates, flowers, and dinner, try these healthy activities instead...

Keeping “Dry” January Going? Try These 3 Mocktail Recipes for a Booze-Free February!
Did you make it through "dry" January by avoiding alcohol, and want to keep the streak going? Great for you! Or perhaps you are just...