Not Sure Which Running Shoe is Right for You? Check Out These 3 Types of Shoes
There are many different kinds of running shoes on the market. This can make picking your running shoe a bit confusing. But if we look at the main categories these shoes fall into, it can make your decision a little easier. Check out these three types of running shoes.

The Motion Control Shoe: A motion control tuning shoe does just that, controls the motions of the foot and ankle joints. These shoes are typically very ridged and firm, have little give in the arch, are made with very firm foam and have a more limited toe break. This shoe can be appropriate for a very flat foot, or over pronated foot. It can also offer better support in the arch for someone weighing over 200 lbs. This shoe would be overkill for someone with a more neutral foot and gait pattern.
The Stability Shoe: This shoe is made with two types of foam - one with moderate density and the other with very firm density. This shoe offers decent arch support but had more flex in the toe break and heel cup. This shoe can be. used by most runners but is often recommended for overpronators and mild to moderate flat feet.
The Minimalist Shoe: This type of shoe usually offers very little arch support and often has little to no foam. This shoe allows the runner to “feel” the road and can be a great shoe to use to improve proprioception and balance. However this shoe may cause injury to a flat foot and may irritate the Achilles tendon or arch. So caution should be used when wearing this shoe. These shoes are often the most lightweight shoe, which can suit forefoot and midfoot runners with good ankle control.
If you are unsure what type of running shoe is for you, it's best to have a gait assessment. Nowadays, many specialized running shops offer gait analysis. But a physical therapist can also provide this information, along with some injury prevention techniques.
For more tips on shoe wear, make sure to visit our blog at